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Screening and approval made easy
With Advent eLearning you benefit from convenient and time saving services like our participant screening and approval process. We start...

How Long Does an Anger Management Class Take?
Anyone who has ever had anger management problems knows how hard it is to control your temper. Keeping your cool in any given situation...

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Complete an Anti-Theft Class
As an alternative to jail time, courts will sometimes sentence defendants to take a class that teaches them the consequences of their...

Anger Management Therapy Techniques
When you’re frustrated, it can be a challenging time. You might find yourself getting angry, which is normal and happens to many people....

How to Successfully Complete Your Court Ordered Anti-Theft Class
Many courts are now giving people with theft-related offenses the option of completing an anti-theft class online. This is great news for...

What you need to know about firearm responsibility
Do you own a gun? If so, do you lock it up safely and securely every time you’re not using it? Do you have children or teenagers living...

What legally qualifies as harassment?
When people hear the term “workplace harassment,” they often imagine a guy uncomfortably asking out a co-worker, getting shot down and...

Find a cheap anger management course
When you suffer from anger issues, you are unable to control your emotions and impulses. When your anger gets triggered, you tend to lose...

How to get your probation officer off your back about theft classes
If you are facing a probation sentence for a theft conviction, your probation officer will likely require you to complete an anti-theft...

7 tips to make your anger management better
Anger is an emotion that can be triggered by certain situations and has the ability to make us feel out of control. If you have been...

Tips to Survive 4 Hour Court Ordered Anti Theft Class
We’ve all had those moments when we have to do something that seems completely pointless. You know, like take a class that you have no...

4 Strategies to Manage Anger in a Healthy Way
When you experience anger, it’s important to manage it in a healthy way. Anger unaddressed can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression....

Tips for court ordered theft classes
When you are convicted of a crime, you may be sentenced to take court-ordered classes as part of your punishment. Depending on the...

How to Get the Anti-Theft Course Certificate the Court Requires
You have to take an anti-theft course before you’ve met the requirements of the court. The court also requires that you pass a test on...

The Four Types of Anger and How to Deal with Them
When you think about anger, you probably picture a red-faced person screaming about something. Unless you’re an actor or have a role as...

Why are Court-ordered Online Anti-Theft Classes Necessary
When you’re convicted of a crime, you have to do something to make amends for what you’ve done. Depending on the type of crime, you may...

The Importance of Court-Ordered Anger Management Classes
Court-ordered anger management classes are not uncommon today. You may know someone who has completed these courses recently or may be...

8 Hour Theft Classes Online to Take Anywhere, at Anytime
If you’re convicted of a theft crime, you may have to complete an anti-theft course as part of your sentence. These classes are also...

What is an Online Anger Management Class and Why Consider It?
If you’ve been arrested for an act of anger or violence, the court system might require you to take an online anger management class. You...

8 Ways to Manage Anger
When you feel anger, it’s an indication that something is not working for you. Anger is a natural human reaction to an upsetting...
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