Life Skills
Life Skills
The Life Skills Program teaches you about laws, how to improve your outlook and self-worth, how to live a healthier life, skills for communications and conflict resolution, and how to recognize and avoid making risky decisions.
The Parenting Program teaches parenting best practices and styles, child development and temperament, caring for children’s physical needs, the importance of structure and routine, and child discipline.
The Marijuana Program his assigned to students for possession violations and probation sanctions. They’ll learn to think critically about marijuana so they can make decisions that reflect what is best for their life.
Available in Level I and Level II
Prostitution (John School)
Prostitution (John School)
The Prostitution Program teaches adult defendants laws related to prostitution, potential health risks of commercial sex activity, and root causes of sexual violence and human sex trafficking..
Underage Alcohol & Substance Abuse
Underage Alcohol & Substance Abuse
The Underage Alcohol & Substance Abuse Program helps students to learn the physiological and social consequences of using alcohol and other common substances and resources available for help.