Anger is an emotion that can be triggered by certain situations and has the ability to make us feel out of control. If you have been reading these posts on anger management so far, you must know that it’s not a good feeling to have. After all, this negative emotion can lower your self-esteem and lead you in the path towards depression or other mental illnesses. However, everyone experiences anger once in a while and we should be thankful for that because it means that we are human. The trickiest part is managing this emotion so that it doesn’t get the best of you again and again. Here are some expert tips to help you manage your anger better:
Distinguish between anger and frustration
You may feel a sense of urgency to resolve a situation, but anger is not the same as frustration. Frustration is an emotion when your attempts to resolve the situation have been futile. It’s important to know the difference between these two emotions because managing anger has a specific set of actions while managing frustration is a different ball game altogether. If you feel that you are experiencing frustration, you need to step back and reevaluate your approach to the problem. You can’t use the same set of actions that you would use to manage anger. So, the first step is to understand the difference between these two emotions.
Practice breathing exercises
Breathing exercises can help bring your mind to a place where you can think rationally. Breathing exercises are simple and can be done in almost any situation. There are many types of breathing exercises that you can try. Some common ones include:
The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise: This is the most popular and recommended breathing exercise today. It may sound a little weird, but it helps you to calm down very quickly. This exercise involves you breathing in for 4 seconds, holding your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhaling slowly for 8 seconds. This exercise can be done anytime, anywhere, and can help lower your heart rate.
The Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise: This breathing exercise is believed to have originated in ancient India. This exercise is believed to balance the right and left hemispheres of your brain.
The Calming Visualization Exercise: This is another simple alternative that you can use to calm yourself down.
Write down your feelings
Studies have shown that writing down your feelings is a great way to release negative emotions. You can use a journal, a notepad, or a computer to write down your thoughts and feelings. This exercise can help you to gain a new perspective on your situation and can also be helpful for calming down before you speak to someone. It’s important to note that this exercise should not be used as a substitute for therapy. Rather, it should be used as a way to get your emotions out so that you can think more rationally about the situation.
Don’t be a victim, be an agent
When someone is being rude to you, you may want to defend yourself and respond aggressively. However, this is not a good idea because you are just feeding into your negative emotions. Instead, you should think of yourself as an agent, not a victim. You can do this by turning the rude comments or actions back against the person who made them. If you think that this could escalate the situation, try to avoid doing this. But, if you feel like you can do it without escalating, then you can use these techniques. For instance, if someone is rude to you and calls you a name, they are the one who is being rude. You can turn that around and call them a name back or even call them by their name, which is a polite way of insulting them. You can also take their comment and turn it into a question.
Take an online anger management class
Whether you have decided you could benefit from taking an online anger management course, or you have been ordered by the court to take a class, Advent eLearning has the resources you need. Our online anger management classes teach students to understand their unhealthy approach to anger and learn techniques to change their response to frustrating situations. The coursework is appropriate for a number of misdemeanor aggression offenses, family violence and abuse cases, and common sanction applications.
Take time to relax and unwind
There are times when anger is a natural response to something. But, what you must be careful about is not letting that emotion take control of your body and mind. You can do this by taking time out of your day to relax and unwind from your busy schedule. Some relaxation techniques that you can try include: - - Meditation: Meditation has many benefits, and one of them is improving your ability to manage your anger. It can help you focus on your breathing and quiet your mind. - Deep Breathing: Deep breathing techniques can help calm you down and make you feel relaxed. You can do this while sitting down or while walking. - Visualization: This works by distracting your mind with a beautiful image. You can use this technique as a way to unwind and relax.
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