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Refer a Student to an Advent eLearning Course

Please use this form to refer someone to take an Advent eLearning course. Fees are paid by the student and your referral is FREE. They will be sent an email which you will be cc'd on and will guide them through the process of taking a course.


  1. Fill out the form with your and the student's information.

  2. Select the course you would like for the student to take.

  3. Select SUBMIT

  4. An email containing course instructions will be sent to the student (cc you)


The email sent will ask the student to take the course you recommended. It will be up to the student to complete and provide evidence of completion. IF you would like to receive notifications when a student completes a course, track their progress, upload documents for review and take advantage of all that Advent eLearning has to offer, click "Learn More" or here to have a sales representative reach out. 

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