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Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Alcohol & Substance Abuse


What is the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program and why is it important?

America has a severe problem with the abuse of alcohol, prescription medication and illicit drugs. Whether it is alcohol, pain medication, or illegal drugs like methamphetamine or heroin, the use of substances for pleasure can escalate quickly to dependency that can sap your quality of life and cause you, your family and those around you to suffer immeasurably. Because substance use moves quickly from experimentation, to habituation, to abuse and finally to dependency, it is vital you get help early.

The Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program helps students to understand their own attraction to alcohol and drugs and how to break the chain of decisions that lead to abuse. They’ll learn to change their way of thinking about their problems and substitute a healthier means of coping with them that don’t involve substance misuse.

Students assigned to the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program have demonstrated they are powerless to control their misuse with their present understanding of the problem and skills.

Anger Management

Anger Management


What is the Anger Management Program and why is it important?

The program explains that anger is a natural human emotion that can range from mild irritation to full rage. It can be caused by frustration, hurt, criticism, threats or any of a dozen triggers and every individual’s anger response to those situations is different. Anger can be helpful when it energizes us to take proper action, handle situations constructively and solve problems. However, anger that causes us to lose control and turn destructive or violent is when it becomes unhealthy.

The Anger Management Program helps students to understand what constitutes healthy anger and how to change their anger responses so they are under control. They’ll learn what triggers their out-of-control responses and how to diffuse them before they become dangerous.

It’s important because not only does their anger cause harm to others but to themselves through poor health and social interaction. Through the Anger Management Program, they’ll learn to adjust their anger responses to healthier level and channel them constructively. Changing long-held beliefs and lifelong habits is not easy but doable. This program will help them to make an effective start.

Animal Care

Animal Care

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What is the Animal Care Program 

and why is it important?


Various laws protect the standard of care that many animals receive from their owners. This course will provide students general knowledge of animal laws and how they apply to animal cruelty, hoarding and other ownership issues. It will also provide information on proper medical, housing and other topics to educate the students on how to properly care for their animals.

The Animal Care online instruction program can be viewed and the accompanying test can be completed in the comfort of their home at their convenience. They’ll be taking a positive step to making informed choices and making sure they are in full control of their life and future.


Boating and Outdoors


What is the Boating and Outdoor

Program and why is it important?


Program was created to help students understand the general laws and regulations governing boating as well as how to conduct themselves in any wilderness excursions. Navigation rules are extensive and stringent because they are so important and, while boating laws will vary slightly from state to state, the program will give them a basic knowledge of some of the most important rules.

The Boating & Outdoor Responsibility Program gives them practical direction for many aspects of water and wilderness recreation. They’ll learn what is expected of them as a conscientious outdoor sports enthusiast.



What is the Bullying Issue Program
and why is it important to understand


This relevant, practical course dealing with bullying issues explores bullying in a way that is understandable, practical, and honest. The Bullying Issues Program defines the difference between bullying and conflict, the uses of internet to further increase problems through cyber-bullying, and the many ways students can help diminish the issue and improve themselves to handle bullying situations.

This course also provides a demonstration of what bullying looks like and how bystanders play an active role in helping or hindering bullying within schools or the workplace. Also, time is spent to focus on what a person can do to help themselves or others who might be experiencing bullying by looking at the 5 C’s that every person needs to develop within themselves to become effective at dealing with problematic situations involving bullying.

The course also looks at what a bully needs to know; this module provides some surprising information that every person who is labeled a bully needs to hear. With the Bullying Issues Program, they will gain important insight into the role of a bully, victim, and bystander and how they can become more engaged and equipped no matter what role they find themselves playing.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

What is the Conflict Resolution Program
and why is it needed and important?


This program explores and explains something that every person experiences – conflict with other people. Regardless of who you are, if you are surrounded by people, you will deal with conflict. Learning how to handle conflict is incredibly important. When conflict is ignored or not handled properly, it can lead to even greater issues with people and create more anger within us.

The Conflict Resolution Program helps students to understand conflict truths that are present in every fight, argument, and situation. They’ll learn the problems that can hinder conflict resolution from body language to the use of technology. They will also understand how to think through conflict and prepare a “game plan” before they interact with the person of conflict.

This course provides them with a simple, effective, and practical way to handle conflict using the F.I.R.R. technique. With the Conflict Resolution Program, they’ll learn how to change their current way of handling problems with other people and feel confident and motivated to deal with conflict in a positive way.

Corrective Thinking

Corrective Thinking

Thinking for change is the online

education program that teaches you

to make good choices and change for

the better?


We all face challenges in our lives, but the ways we can approach those challenges are endless. In this course students will learn about some of the different types of challenges people may face in their lives, the choices people might make when dealing with those challenges, and how a person can make changes if things are not turning out the way they want.

Thinking for change can be taken in the comfort of their own home at any time of the day or night. All they need is an internet connection.

This program will help students take an inventory of their learning and lifestyle to better understand their current situation. It then helps them to evaluate and face the challenges life presents them as well as assists them in making better choices and positive change introducing them to a brighter future.

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Defensive Driving

What is the Defensive Driving

Program and why is it needed and



Being distracted while driving in inclement and other hazardous conditions leads to countless tragedies each year. This course includes instructional videos that allow students to improve driving skills by improving driving attitudes and habits, learning to share the road with aggressive drivers, and learning behavioral best practices for driving in a variety of hazardous conditions such as rain, fog, road debris, and pedestrians/cyclists.

The Defensive Driving program can be viewed and the accompanying test can be completed in the comfort of your home at your convenience. When you receive a passing score on the test, it transmits that score to the proper authority, allowing you to complete the requirements of their assignment.

Defensive Driving
Financial Responsbility

Financial Crimes


What is the Financial Crimes Program

and why is it needed and important?


Financial crime over the years has increasingly become a bigger concern. This course will teach students the individual and social consequences of financial crimes, the impacts of financial crimes on communities and families, and strategies students can use to avoid fraudulent behavior in the future.

The Financial Crimes online instruction program can be viewed and the accompanying test can be completed in the comfort of their home at their convenience. They’ll be taking a positive step toward making informed choices and making sure they are in full control of their life and future.

If you would like to learn more about all of our eLearning Programs, you can download our All Courses Sheet here.

Firearm Responsibility


What is the Firearm Responsibility
 and Why is it Important?


This self-guided curriculum that teaches students about the use of firearms in violent crimes, accidents and suicides, about federal, state and local firearm laws, and basic training on responsible handling and storage of firearms in the home and vehicles, and around children and the mentally ill. Also includes cognitive-behavioral strategies to allow students to recognize and change potential anger issues.

Student responses are recorded for case worker review, and students can repeat any sections to review again, if needed. A final review and test over the coursework is included, and students must achieve a minimum score to pass. The self-paced coursework is completed in 120 to 150 minutes at an 8th-grade reading level or above.

The course is fully browser-based for compatibility with language translation and assistive technology available in most all commercial internet browsers.

Firearm Responsibility



What is the Harassment Program and

why is it needed and important?


This self-guided curriculum teaches adults about harassment in-person and online, how harassment can escalate into stalking or a hate crime, as well as the impact on victims for all of these forms of harm.

Students are given multiple choice questions, interactive exercises, and open response questions throughout, along with real-time feedback of correct responses. Instructive videos and links to other resources are used as supplemental material for student review as needed.

Student responses are recorded for case worker review, and students can repeat any sections to review again, if needed. A final review and test over the coursework is included.

Responsible Hunting

Hunting Responsibility


What is the Hunting Responsibility

Program and Why is it Important?


Whether you use a firearm or a bow, the Hunting Responsibility Program was created to help people understand the general laws governing hunting and how to conduct themselves before, during and after hunting excursions.

This course helps students to understand how each state has its own set of laws governing hunting and their responsibility to know them. The Hunting Responsibility Program gives them practical direction for all phases of hunting – before, during and after. They’ll learn about landowners’ rights, the proper way to transport the game they’ve hunted, how they should conduct themselves as a hunter and much more.

Impaired Driving

Impaired Driving


What is the Impaired Driving Program
and why
is it important?


Drinking and driving leads to countless tragedies across the country each year, senselessly ending lives, devastating families and ruining the futures of good people who make poor decisions. This course shows students impact videos of some of the lives lost and ruined as a result of drinking and driving and provides them with resources you should used to ensure you never make that mistake again. 

The Impaired Driving program can be viewed and the accompanying test can be completed in the comfort of your home at your convenience. When you receive a passing score on the test, it transmits that score to the proper authority, allowing you to complete the requirements of their assignment. 

Juvenile Sexting

Juvenile Sexting

What is the Juvenile Sexting Program

and why is it important?


This self-guided curriculum teaches juveniles about sexting, cyberbullying, online privacy, and revenge porn. The course covers the deeper issues behind these problems, including consent, sexual violence, and objectification.

Students are given multiple choice questions, interactive exercises, and open response questions throughout, along with real-time feedback of correct responses. Instructive videos and links to other resources are used as supplemental material for student review as needed.

Student responses are recorded for case worker review, and students can repeat any sections to review again, if needed. A final review and test over the coursework is included.

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Life Skills

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What is the Life Skills Program and
why is it important?


Improving your life begins with taking positive steps toward change through Learning, Being, Living, Knowing, Choosing, and Doing. Students will learn about laws, how to improve your outlook and self-worth, how to live a healthier life, skills for communications and conflict resolution, and how to recognize and avoid making risky decisions.

The Life Skills course is assigned to students to learn about themselves, to improve upon their lifestyles and interaction with others, and to make good decisions based upon positive outcomes and value systems.

Life Skills


What is the Marijuana Education

Program and why is it important?


America is undergoing changes to its attitudes toward marijuana and those changes are being reflected in laws regarding the drug in different states around the nation. Unlike some other more powerful controlled drugs, marijuana’s effects can vary from mild to more severe and can be different for adolescents and young adults as compared to adults. Because of these factors, it’s important to be armed with facts before making decisions about recreational use of the drug.

The Marijuana Education course is assigned to students for possession violations and probation sanctions. They’ll learn to think critically about marijuana so they can make decisions that reflect what is best for their life.



What is the Parenting Program and

Why is it Important?


Parenting is a very difficult job, especially if the goal is to produce a capable and responsible adult. Something that makes parenting so challenging is that parents are responsible for raising and developing the “whole” child, not just some “parts” of the child. This program teaches parenting best practices and styles, child development and temperament, caring for children’s physical needs, the importance of structure and routine, and child discipline.


Prostitution (John School)

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What is the Prostitution Program and

Why is it Important?


Opinions vary about commercial sex work in the U.S., but prostitution is illegal in most all areas of the country because of the potential risks it entails to buyers and sellers of sex.

In this course you will learn about prostitution laws and why they’re made, how to recognize non-consensual participation (trafficking), the health and safety risks to both buyers and sellers of sex, and the root causes of problems that arise from commercial sex activity.

Revenge Porn

Revenge Porn


What is the Revenge Porn Program

and Why is it Important?


This self-guided curriculum teaches adults about online abuse and revenge porn. The course covers the deeper issues behind these problems, including masculinity norms, consent, and objectification and encourages students to take accountability for their behaviors.

Students are given multiple choice questions, interactive exercises, and open response questions throughout, along with real-time feedback of correct responses. Instructive videos and links to other resources are used as supplemental material for student review as needed.

Student responses are recorded for case worker review, and students can repeat any sections to review again, if needed. A final review and test over the coursework is included.




What is the Shoplifting Program

and Why is it Important?


The vast majority of shoplifters are “non-professionals” who steal, not out of criminal intent, financial need or greed, but as a response to social and personal pressures. For many, shoplifting is often not a pre-meditated crime. In fact, nearly three quarters of adult and adolescent shoplifters do not plan in advance to steal. For those, the effects of getting caught and prosecuted can have devastating effect on an otherwise law-abiding life.

The Shoplifting Program online education protocol was designed to help those people who view shoplifting as a minor violation to see it in its true context as an indicator of more serious antisocial behavior. Further it is designed to help them change their unhealthy patterns that led to their shoplifting crime.

Shoplifters are assigned to this program so they may look closely at their motivations for shoplifting and begin to make changes. The program gives students mechanisms to understand the urge they feel to steal and adopt a fundamental approach to changing their behavior.




What is the Theft Program and Why

is it Important?


Theft is a crime that has significant impacts on society, whether its personal theft, retail theft, burglary, robbery or receiving stolen property.

The Theft Program online education protocol was designed to help students understand the nature of theft offenses both in classification and penalties, to realize the victim and societal impacts of these crimes, and to learn ways to change the behaviors that led to their committing a theft offense.

This self-guided curriculum can be viewed online and the accompanying test can be completed in the comfort of their home at their convenience.

Traffic Safety

Traffic Safety


What is the Traffic Safety Program

and Why is it Important?


The program consists of the acclaimed traffic safety video program SMARTDRIVER “Strategies For Survival.” The video content can be viewed online and completed in the comfort of a students' own home.

The Traffic Safety Program has been created to provide students with an advantage, to demonstrate the most common aggressive driving scenarios and what to do about them. By focusing on primary aggressive driving scenarios, this program will help them avoid initiating, instigating, retaliating for or being the victim of an aggressive driving situation. They’ll learn that a safe driver is a smart driver.



What is the Truancy Program and

Why is it Important?


The consequences of chronically skipping school are profound. Statistically, truants are the youth most likely to drop out of school permanently and, without at least a high school diploma, their long-term prospects for success in the job market are extremely low. But, if young people can be shown why school is so important and then learn to change their way of thinking about school in a negative way to a long-term strategy for success, they stand a much better chance of sticking with it until they receive their diploma.

This self-guided curriculum can help students to understand their own motivations for skipping school and help them change their way of thinking about the importance of earning their diploma. The program gives them instruction in how to resist the temptation they feel to skip school and adopt a realistic means of establishing goals and sticking with them.

Underage Substance Abuse

Underage Alcohol and Substance Abuse

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What is the Underage Alcohol and

Substance Abuse Program and Why

is it Important?


This self-guided cognitive-behavioral curriculum allows students to learn the physiological and social consequences of using alcohol and other common substances and resources available for help. Students are given multiple choice questions, interactive exercises, and open response questions throughout, along with real-time feedback of correct responses.

Student responses are recorded for case worker review, and students can repeat any sections to review again, if needed. A final review and test over the coursework is included, and students must achieve a minimum score to pass. The self-paced coursework is completed in 120 to 150 minutes at an 8th-grade reading level or above.

The course is fully browser-based for compatibility with language translation and assistive technology available in most all commercial internet browsers.

Victim Impact Panel


What is the Victim Impact Panel and
Why is it Important?


This course allows students to witness the story of one individual who made a very bad decision to drive after drinking and the horrific consequences of that decision. This is the story of the worst drunken driving crash in US history as told by survivors and other victims of the crash. They will also be given the chance to demonstrate their understanding of how bad personal choices can cause others pain.

This is a video-based presentation with language subtitles and text-based testing. Students would view the film and provide essay responses in approximately two hours.

Victim Impact Panel
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