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Advent releases a new Financial Crimes Program

A new online Financial Crimes course is now available from Advent eLearning for use in criminal justice interventions, including prosecutor and court diversion and in plea and sentencing of financial crime offenses.

The Financial Crimes course is an evidence-based program teaching students about fraud and fraud-related crimes. It examines who commits financial, or “white collar” crime, impacts and consequences of these crimes, how society addresses these them, and cognitive-behavioral approaches to treating fraudulent behaviors.

Advent Program Advantage

The Advent financial crime program is ideal for pre-file and pre-trial diversion programs where court and clerk payment programs may not be available, and prosecutors do not have in-house capabilities or resources to manage defendant payment plans or victim restitution disbursement.

Where making victims whole for their losses is key, earlier intervention is important. Deep interaction with the criminal justice system, including incarceration, threatens offenders’ jobs, risks reputations, and interrupts sources of income, leaving most offenders unable to complete their financial obligations to victims. By diverting and probating these offenses, financial crime offenders maintain their sources of income and are able to complete their obligations to victims under threat of diversion or probation revocation.

The Advent eLearning platform provides full reporting to prosecutor personnel, including automatic notifications of payments made, failures to pay on time, and victim disbursements completed. The platform gives personnel full visibility into all restitution activity, allowing clients to query, view and export data of all funds being collected from defendants and disbursed to victims.

The Advent Financial Crime program provides an end-to-end resolution, requiring offenders to complete an education course, complete victim restitution, and complete any other program requirements that agencies wish to deploy, such as paying program or supervision fees or completing community service.

To Get Started

The new course is now available for use by all Advent eLearning clients. Please contact your Advent sales representative to activate these courses for your organization. If you’re not currently an Advent client and are interested in using this course in your organization, please contact your Advent sales representative or send us an email at


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